Sunday, March 30, 2014


Welcome to Blurbin' Legends, the space that makes a blurb a place.

The very plain and simple truth is that now more than ever, a blurb fashions a reader's first impression of a book. She looks at the cover, and then at the blurb.

If she is to receive a first impression of a book that resonates with her, the blurb she sees needs to be:

Short . No summary blurb need be over 100 words. And in this day of instant impressions and instant reading, the time taken to read 100 words is usually all you'll get, anyway, to make that impression.

Active. Verbiage and verbs should crackle with positive action. This is the time for those transitive verbs we learned about in school. This is after all a book, not an office report.

Seductive. Like a good seducer (of any sex), the blurb should mention just a little about the most exciting part.

This site will discuss blurbs: the good, the bad, the intriguing. It will focus mostly on word choice, but it may delve into other areas -like accuracy in description- as well.

People who blurb may find it quite useful.

Again, welcome to Blurbin' Legends blog. The blurb's the word!!